Rowsdower Enterprises, LLC

Using today's technology to bring the best of the past into the future.

Our Expertise

Traditional Techniques
Deep Research
Practical Publishing

We can Do it!

We have developed everything from easy chicken pluckers to practical electrophoresis visualizers.  Along the way we've developed Xbee sensor networks for maintaining positive pressure cleanrooms and solar trackers that have the benefit of not being more expensive than the panels they control.

Digging Deeply

Our crops exist in symbiosis with soil bacteria.  In fact, one could say that we farm bacteria, and our crops grow amazingly as an adjunct!  When you start with the soil, and learn how to manipulate it to favor particular bacterial species, you can use this to grow the best crops with the fewest disease problems ... naturally!

Cutting Edge

We use cutting-edge microbiological research and biochemistry techniques to ascertain beneficial bacterial species and the types of soil amendments and composting techniques that favor them.  Rather than using an approach that throws everything against the wall to "see what sticks," everything that ends up in our books, even if it is as simple as grinding up biochar and adding it to soil, is there because we have extensively tested it to have specific benefits.  

Our Books

Through Skyhorse Publishing (New York), we have published a number of applied science books on agricultural and self-sufficiency skills.  These are available at all major book sellers.

Chief among these is the MiniFarming series, which combines the best aspects of French Intensive and Biodynamic methods with extensive research to make a complete system from seed-saving to food preservation.

Though we haven't published a new book in a while, many more books are in the works!

Consulting and Speaking

Availability for speaking engagements and consulting services is currently limited to New England, but generally speaking if you contact with a simple question, we will answer it at no cost, because we aren't in this for the money so much as to help people have better lives!